News Stories

News Stories

After three days of non-stop search, the campers who were thought to be dead were rescued and brought to safety. When the rescue operation was carried out, they were found without their equipment, some of them were injured and all of them were hungry and ill. The rescue expert said that the camping team did not expect the heavy rain and the flash floods in the area. He advised all campers to be aware of the unpredictable weather conditions of the area in autumn. The camping team were lucky enough to have a few communication devices with them, which helped the rescue team to pinpoint their location.

After months of digging through the ash to open the road to our local volcano, authorities have come across a bus buried under 8 metres of wet ash. It is unclear who was driving the bus and how many people were in it. However, the authorities guess that this belonged to a university science team who went missing after the volcanic eruption. So far, no traces of the passengers have been found around or in the bus and anyone’s guess is as good as everyone else’s. The volcanic eruption of Mount St Helens left a lot of people dead and dozens more missing. It was the unpredictable nature of the eruption that caused a huge landslide and sent massive hot gases through the forest.